Friday, September 6, 2019


Over Labor Day weekend Brayden took a trip up to Massachusetts to visit my family. The trip started with being able to stay overnight in the Orlando Airport at the Hyatt. He swam a little and tried to get a good nights sleep before his early Friday morning flight! He was so excited i'm not sure he slept that much.

Friday morning he flew out of Orlando on Southwest into Hartford, CT where they made the drive to my hometown of Pittsfield, MA. They visited with my Uncle Bill, Aunt Connie, and cousins for a few hours before taking off the go visit my Dads sister my Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Mike and my cousin Cullen. They enjoyed a nice dinner together before they headed off to their final destination of the day my sisters.

The next morning Brayden took off to Vermont for a few hours with my nephew Connor, his girlfriend Gabby and her daughter Leigha, Leigha and Brayden are the same age. They went to a festival where they enjoyed carnival rides and shaved ice.   The rest of the day the kids played in the pool (how I don't know with the temps) and enjoyed some x-box together!

Sunday Connor, my Dad, Brayden and my brother-in-law Bill went and took the drone out and hiked up a mountain to get some amazing views and some great pictures.

The reason my parents went up this Labor Day weekend because when I was younger my Uncle Bill always had a big get together on Labor Day at his house. We would eat, play wiffle ball in his back yard and visit with family. Brayden was lucky to go this year. He got to visit with my brother this day too and got to see what a Labor Day family reunion was like.

And luckily with the Hurricane on the radar they were lucky enough to make it home in time!

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