Friday, May 29, 2020

Swillerbee's Donut Kits

We needed something else fun to do since we were unable to go out and do anything! So our local donut shop put together these donut kits where you could decorate your own donuts.

The kids loved them! Some people a little frosting, some put a lot, and their was plenty of sprinkles to go around!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Fully Potty Trained

Potty training Ben has not been easy. He mastered the peeing quickly but going number two just wasn't happening. Something about the toilet scared him and every time he had to go he would just go in his pants. And after a while that was becoming annoying. At one point I was wondering if we were ever going to master this.

And then one day out of the blue, he decided to poop in the front yard. Yes this sounds weird back at this point I was just happy that it wasn't in his pants and that I didn't have to clean it. After a few days of pooping in the grass we ordered him a potty race car chair instead and having to sit on the big toilet. It worked! He started going in the little toilet and after a few days he decided to just go in the big toilet!

Whoa! That was an experience! And glad we won't be going through the potty training stage again!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

RiverBend Nature Park - Covid 19

The start of Covid-19. We had no clue what we were in store for at this point. This was the first week after Spring Break and at this point we were just going to get an extra week off. Little did we know that this week off would turn into the rest of the school year off. (More info to follow)

So after just two or three days of being stuck in the house and we were already going stir crazy we ventured to RiverBend park and explored the outside. We couldn't play the the playground but we were able to walk the trails and check out the water.