Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Orlando State Championship Weekend

Wow! What a weekend! We were so busy having so much fun at the track and with friends that I didn't get many pictures. So let me re-cap as best as I can!

Brayden, Bransen, Ben and I all went over to Orlando Thursday night and met up at the hotel with the Bordis' and Baum's. We let the boys eat pizza, go swimming and play in the hotel room. Friday morning we got up, swam some more and made it to the track for our practice times. Bransen and Ben both got into their practice slots to obtain some good runs before the championship.

Jake met us for dinner Friday night at the hotel restaurant and we let the boys swim a little bit more but not for long because it was important to get a good night sleep before the big race!

Saturday morning came and we were ready for the championship! Ben  was up first, three motos and he took the win! He took a win by the long shot all three times. Super proud of him. At practice the day before he was doing the entire track including the steep starting hill. When his race started he wanted to start up there so we had to convince him he needed to start with the rest of the kids and he raced for the trophy!

Bransens motos were coming up. There was a total of over 200 motos and it was hot. The first moto he came out of the gate strong and there happened to be a wreck a head of him that made him veer and another rider got in front of him not allowing him to transfer to the semi that moto. Moto two came and he again shot out of the gate but came up short again and unfortunately again in the last moto not making it to the main! He raced hard, gave it his all and was up against some of the best riders! I couldn't ask for more.

Sunday came and it was time for the award ceremony. Here's where the big win comes. Out of all the riders in the sport of BMX in Florida there were thirteen riders nominated for rider of the year. Bransen Matthew Barrette was one of the thirteen. Just to be nominated was an honor and out of all the wins of the season that was the biggest.

He finished the year 9th out of 18 riders in his age group. He had an amazing year, raced lots of races, made so many new friends and created so many memories that will last a lifetime!

On to the 2020 season!

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