Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Bransen's First Wreck

Bransen experienced his first real wreck of BMX racing and no it wasn't in a dramatic finish to the end or around a turn to gain a position, it didn't even involve anyone else. Just him and his bike.

Moto number 2 come around and he races. He comes around the first turn passing someone and his chain falls off. One of the corner marshalls puts it back together and he finishes the race. Third place but it was total points so he was onto the main event.

He decides to go for practice lap before the main. Out of the gate he comes, over the first jump and that's when it happens. In a blink of an eye, he's flipping off the bike and is on the ground.

I'm over on the whole other side of the track with Brayden. I drop everything to run over. He's got blood all over his face that I can't see the extent of his injuries and he's crying and screaming. I get him under control and we go and walk to get napkins and some peroxide from the first aid kit. We get him cleaned up and we make the drive home.

We get to Jake's parents and Jake's mom gets him all cleaned up! Thank goodness for her!

The next morning. He's just not himself. We go to Daytona to watch Ben race and he ended up going home with my mom. He naps and I go to drop the other boys off at home.

We make a trip to the ER. With the conclusion of a concussion, chipped tooth, some road rash and an xray of his collarbone and jaw (all clear!) we go home to rest! for two weeks! and for the first few nights it was milkshakes for meals!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Pool Days with Mem

Benny and Mem have been spending every afternoon that they are together swimming in the pool!. He's been learning to swim above and under water, doing flips and learning to balance on the boogie board. 

I'm never quite sure who's ever having more fun, Ben or Mem?!

It's a tough call!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Sunday Funday

Back at the beach we go with our friends! I'm pretty sure we have spent at least one day every weekend this summer at the beach soaking up the sun, riding the waves and hanging with our favorites!!

The sun has been brutal, the water has been warm and the memories have been amazing!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Back At It

Finally since March Brayden is back at it with some hockey! They started hockey clinics back up Sunday afternoon and to my surprise he still had it! Got on his skates....and away he went!

Jacksonville BMX

It was Ben's first time taking on the Jacksonville BMX track and Bransen's first ride on it since all of this covid stuff began.

Ben took to the track like a pro even mastering the gate. He ran both motos but was unable to make it to the main!

Bransen on the other hand had a great first moto transferring right into the main and finishing in the main with a three spot!

Both boys enjoyed being back at their favorite track and visiting with some on their favorite friends!

Pump Pump!!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Fourth of July

America's Birthday!! We spent the fourth of July with our BMX family! It was a blast! We went over to the Baum's where the boys got to swim, play on the waterslide, ride the BMX track and the best was ride a bike off a ramp right into their pond! We also celebrated Colton's 4th birthday and we ended the night with fireworks!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Friday Before the 4th

The Friday before the 4th of July weekend the boys and I along with Crystal spent the day at the beach. Our friends joined us in kicking off the holiday weekend. Afterwards when the storms started rolling in we all took a ride to Frankie and Amy's and tried to enjoy the pool before the rain came through!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Ben's First Pedal Bike Race

It happened! At the age of three my boy Ben took to the pedals and raced in his first 5 and under novice pedal bike race!!

Moto one he took second spot transferring right into the main! Unfortunately in the main with a full gate and a late start once the gate dropped he ended in last spot.

But come on guys he's three and races a pedal bike! How much cooler does it get?!

Unfortunately we didn't get many pictures. I was working staging and Jake was helping him at the gate!

We are all so proud of our little peddler!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Week at the Edmonston's

After we went camping and Carter spent the next few days with boys ended up going over to Carter's for a the week. They slept in, stayed up late,  played lots of playstation, played outside  had a fire outside with smores and even ended the week with a trip to LegoLand!